Results for ​Politic

The original theories

Unknown 10:47 AM
Good or bad depend on your thoughts and experiences. This world has many states and a lot of people within every different life style....Read More
The original theories The original theories Reviewed by Unknown on 10:47 AM Rating: 5

The concept of the foreign policy.

Unknown 10:08 AM
The small pieces of the foreign policy concept  Foreign policy is a study about the external relations and many activities of the sta...Read More
The concept of the foreign policy. The concept of the foreign policy. Reviewed by Unknown on 10:08 AM Rating: 5
Cultural Attitudes of the Asian People Cultural Attitudes of the Asian People Reviewed by Unknown on 11:23 PM Rating: 5
Why need to learn the International Relations? Why need to learn the International Relations? Reviewed by Unknown on 11:01 PM Rating: 5

Development Human Resource

Unknown 8:15 PM
Human is national economy. Human is a majority of resource of development country. They are main rule challenging of country to global...Read More
Development Human Resource Development Human Resource Reviewed by Unknown on 8:15 PM Rating: 5
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